You can prove negligence in a truck accident case by compiling evidence that proves someone else’s negligence led to your crash. That evidence can range from physical debris and witness statements to expert input. So long as you have enough evidence to exceed Ohio’s burden of proof, you can move your fight for compensation forward.
You don’t have to gather the evidence you need to build a case alone. You can work with our truck accident lawyers in Columbus, OH. We can prevent insurance claims adjusters and trucking companies from removing key evidence from your reach, all while prioritizing your right to demand a fair settlement for your losses.
Document the Scene of Your Accident
If you want to prove negligence in a truck accident case, our Columbus personal injury lawyers recommend you document the scene of your accident. While you should never put your health at risk to document the scene, photos and video footage can help you later make a case for compensation.
If it’s safe for you to remain at the accident scene, consider collecting contact information from nearby witnesses. You can also take photos of the damage done to your vehicle or video footage of the remnants of the crash. If a liable party starts making bizarre claims or threatening you, we recommend you try to record what they’re saying for later use.
However, do not put yourself in danger to document a truck accident scene. If you’re injured, work with medical professionals to treat your injuries. If you feel threatened by a liable party, get in touch with police officers. You need to prioritize your safety.
For a free legal consultation, call 614-481-6000
Connect With a Columbus Truck Accident Lawyer for Investigative Support
Speaking of prioritizing your safety, we recommend that you get in touch with a Columbus truck accident attorney as soon as you can after a serious accident. Our team makes a concentrated effort to protect you from insurance companies and trucking agencies that want to misrepresent your role in a recent accident.
We can join you at the scene of a crash to immediately initiate an investigation into your losses. Our early involvement can help you prevent key evidence, like a truck’s black box, from disappearing while in a trucking agency’s possession.
We can further step in and prevent insurance companies from demanding statements about your losses while you’re still in shock. Unfortunately, insurance companies may use a range of bad-faith tactics to minimize or waive your right to recover. Our involvement in your case can preserve your right to action.
Compile Enough Evidence to Exceed Ohio’s Burden of Proof
Once you’re safe and away from an accident scene, you can turn to a truck accident attorney for support while proving negligence in a truck accident case. Our team can take over the investigation into your losses so you can prioritize your health.
Our professional connections to investigators and expert witnesses can help us gather enough evidence to exceed Ohio’s burden of proof. You can count on us to keep you up to date as we gather the data needed to establish your right to action, including the following:
- Witness statements
- Video footage of your accident
- Photos from before and after your accident
- Expert witness statements
- Electronic evidence
- Black box data
You can learn more about the process we use to gather this evidence during a free case evaluation with our staff.
Click to contact our personal injury lawyers today
Account for Any Contracts that Might Influence Your Case
Unfortunately, trucking agencies can take steps to distance themselves from serious accidents. For example, many agencies prefer to work with independent contractors instead of employees so they can place responsibility for accidents onto those contractors’ shoulders.
You need to account for any influence contracts may have on your right to recover as you’re building a truck accident case. If the person responsible for your losses works as an independent contractor, you can sue them but not their clients for your damages.
However, if you get into an accident with an on-duty employee, you can sue that truck driver’s employer for the damages you need to recover. Our Columbus truck accident lawyers can help you distinguish between these parties while bringing your case together.
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Factor in Ohio’s Comparative Negligence Laws
If you want to prove negligence in a truck accident case, you need to account for Ohio’s comparative negligence laws. These laws allow you to divide fault for your accident between multiple parties. However, these laws can also allow a liable party to counter-accuse you of negligence behind the wheel.
According to Ohio’s comparative negligence laws, you have the right to recover from a serious accident so long as you are responsible for less than 50 percent of an accident. Even if you’re less than 50 percent responsible for an accident, Ohio’s civil courts can reduce your case’s final settlement by any degree of fault you contributed to the accident.
You can discuss how these comparative negligence laws may impact your right to compensation when you first move to bring a case forward. You can also discuss how these laws allow you to divide fault for your losses if you think more than one party’s negligence caused your accident.
It’s Time to Call a Columbus Truck Accident Lawyer
You don’t have to resign yourself to months of paying bills you didn’t ask for. You can work with our truck accident lawyers in Columbus, OH, to hold negligent parties liable for your losses. When you file a personal injury claim with Ohio’s civil courts, you assert your right to comprehensive accident damages.
Our team offers free case consultations to anyone wondering how to prove negligence in a truck accident case. You can contact our staff to set up an appointment with a tried-and-tested attorney today.
Call or text 614-481-6000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form