You can prove negligence in a truck accident case by compiling evidence that proves someone else’s negligence led to your crash. That evidence can range from physical debris and witness statements to expert input. So long as you have enough evidence to exceed Ohio’s burden of proof, you can move your fight for compensation forward. …
Who Can Be Held Liable in a Truck Accident Case?
Evidence helped you determine who can be held liable in a truck accident case. Once you have evidence of negligence on hand, you can assign blame to contractors, corporate employees, corporations, mechanics, and even private motorists. Your investigation will make it easier for you to get the truck accident compensation you need to pay your …
What Evidence Should I Collect if I’m in a Truck Accident?
If you’re in a truck accident, the evidence you should collect should come from several sources: witness statements, electronic data pools, and assessments of the accident scene. The more diverse your evidence of negligence is, the easier it may be for you to get the financial support you need to recover. Our Columbus, OH, truck …
What Happens in a Truck Accident Case in Ohio?
Trucking accidents can be devastating and can result in serious injuries or even fatalities. With the sheer size and weight of commercial trucks, collisions involving these vehicles can cause significant damage to both people and property. For a free legal consultation, call 614-481-6000 If you or a loved one has been hurt in a trucking …
Can a Trucking Company Be Liable For an Independent Contractor?
In the world of personal injury law, the complexities surrounding liability often extend beyond the immediate parties involved. One common scenario that raises questions is the relationship between trucking companies and their independent contractors. In the state of Ohio, the legal landscape surrounding these situations can be intricate and nuanced. From our team of truck …
I was injured by a Tractor-Trailer. What kind of damages can I recover?
Although motor vehicle accidents happen every day, they still come as a shock – particularly when it’s a truck involved. and because trucks can weigh upwards of 80,000 lbs, a tractor-trailer can cause far more catastrophic damage than a car, which usually weighs around 4,000 lbs. Commercial vehicles, like tractor-trailers, are also much bigger and …