Imagine spending eleven years in prison for a heinous crime you didn’t commit—eleven years away from family, not completing your college degree or advancing your career, and putting your life on hold. Then imagine the state exonerates you but refuses to compensate you for wrongful conviction. This was the reality Mary Jenny Wilcox (now Reach) …
Excessive Force Victim Denied Constitutional Right to Access Courts
As civil rights attorneys, we pay close attention to important cases and rulings that highlight flaws in the legal system. We also pay attention when courts set precedent that shows promise of improvement. We’ve addressed the potential dangers posed by the Qualified Immunity Doctrine. It’s just one facet of the legal system that government actors …
A Private Correction Facility’s Extensive Negligence Leads to a Hostage Situation
Held at gunpoint What began as a regular morning for Jackie Murdock* at the accounting office she and her husband operated in a Columbus suburb—resulted in unforgettable events. The sound of the low-flying helicopter was Jackie’s first clue that something strange was happening. Then she heard a loud bash as her front door was kicked …
A Man in Need Seeks Help from Police, and Receives a Bullet Instead
Millions of people around the world suffer from bipolar disorder. They move from manic to depressive phases quickly, which can make life difficult for them and their loved ones. The condition can often be controlled with medication, but the process takes time as the patient and doctor try to perfect the prescription and dosage. The …
Vindication: Ohio Malpractice Lawyer Helps a Wrongly Convicted Veteran
Rich* was a military veteran whose dream was to own a bar. When a member of his waitstaff, Julia*, started showing up for work with bruises and a black eye, Rich stepped in. He knew Julia’s boyfriend. In fact, Rich had kicked the boyfriend out of his bar before. Rich suggested to Julia that she …